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Showing posts from August, 2013

Teapot Tales: A Collection of Unique Fairy Tales

I'm very excited to share that one of my chapter book stories, Crimson, is published in an anthology called, Teapot Tales: A Collection of Unique Fairy Tales. It was recently released on as an ebook along with a wonderful group of writers from the Chapter Book Challenge . My story is a different take on Red Ridding Hood. Retold as a chapter book.  A very special thanks to Becky Fyfe ! I'm very excited to have participated and have the opportunity to submit my story.

What is a Book App and Could YOU Create One?: How 27 Writers Did! by Karen Robertson

I am excited to announce that Karen Robertson's book, "What is a Book App and Could YOU Create One?: How 27 Writers Did!" is now available on amazon! If you are curious about developing a digital book app, this is a great start to read how 27 writers did. I am also among the writers interviewed in the book. Check it out! What is a Book App   Also, to find even more incredible information about digital app book publishing and marketing, please visit  Karen Robertson's wonderful website! The publishing industry is changing. There are more opportunities for authors and illustrators to publish their work. If you are a writer and want to see your books published digitally, or if you are an illustrator or both, this is the time to start planning and developing your story! I have and it is an exciting opportunity to see your work come alive that is beyond the page of a printed book. Come join the revolution of interactive digital app books, where possi...

My blog intro

Hi there! I'm Julia but I also go by Jules. I am starting this blog as a place in cyberspace to share and express my passions for writing and illustrating children's books, character design, book covers designing, creating and developing interactive digital app books and surface pattern designs.  I will be cataloging my progress and journey of obtaining each of my goals as I work on different projects. I am also interested in networking with like-minded individuals who are involved in the publishing industry for children's books. If you are interested to network with me, please do contact me. I'm always looking to share the latest news and updates of those in the industry. Thank you for visiting my blog and hope you enjoy all the upcoming posts!