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Book Review - Super Speed Sam

Super Speed Sam: Hide and Panic Stations

For ages 8 - 12

This story takes the reader along a playful hide-and-seek game between child and dog to what innocently develops into a situation that is relatable. It was interesting to see how each character reacted and dealt with the situation. I like how Sam had his own super abilities and he utilized them in his search. However, I felt bad for Sam since after all his effort and being spot on, he just barely missed crossing paths and he thought he had failed. But the search continued toward a happy ending. It was an enjoyable read and I think it gave an example of how anyone could approach a similar situation with logic thinking rather than panic, as much as possible, taking action in steps before resorting to a last resort.

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To learn more about Monty J. McClaine or to check out his other books, you can visit him online at his Amazon's Author Page.


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