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A New Children's Writing Course: The Pleasures and Craft of Poetic Techniques

I have taken several writing courses through the Children’s Book Academy and have absolutely loved and enjoyed the materials, meeting other writers and illustrators, and learning a great deal on improving my writing as well as my understanding of the craft and the publishing industry.

Dr. Mira Reisberg, the founder of CBA and literary agent, is running a new course, “The Pleasures and Craft of Poetic Techniques. She is giving special discounts up till May 5th.

If you have a love for writing and especially desire to refine, improve and learn more about Poetic Techniques, this is the course to take. In fact, probably the only online course out there regarding this specific area.

I urge you to at least stop by this link and read all what is offered and if it fits your goals of a writer, sign up! And while you are there, check out any of her other courses!


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